Check out this quick two minute video to get a peek into our work!
This is where we get to drop some numbers on you! Over the last year, from April of 2022 to March of 2023, we have:

Saved 259,437 lbs of food from the landfill

Donated 157,095 lbs of good food to local charities

Donated 102,342 lbs of food to local farmers

Community Meals Created:
23,400 servings

Value of Donated Food ($3.21/lb):
Our Roots
Cranbrook Food Recovery was inspired by the people in town who find ways to connect people and food. In June of 2019 we began collecting food that otherwise would have gone to the landfill. We connected that food with local organizations who have been running community programs. By September we were recovering food every day.
Making a Difference
Food goes to waste every day. Lots of food. We are here to help. Cranbrook Food Recovery operates out of our Farm Kitchen location. We pick up food still fit for eating and get it to people and community groups who need it. We hold workshops and workbees to process fresh food into delicious meals. Join us and make a difference!
Financial Donation
Cranbrook Food Recovery relies on grants, volunteer time, in-kind donations, and support from generous individuals like you. Your gifts helps fund our operations and keep our truck, coolers and kitchen running. Clicking the link below will take you to our page (Community Connections Society of Southeast BC) at
If you'd prefer to donate to us directly, please contact us for more details.

Want Food?
Are you a community organization working with people in Cranbrook and surrounding areas? Do you offer your clients food during your programs? Using recovered food destined for the landfill means your group can offset food costs for your programs. Contact us to learn more about how you can access the food we recover.

Contact Cranbrook Food Recovery
209A 16th Ave N

Cranbrook Food Recovery Partners
Cranbrook Food Recovery benefits greatly from the support and partnership of the following organizations.

Columbia Basin Trust

Save On Foods Cranbrook

Regional District of the East Kootenay


Community Food Centres Canada


Community Connections Society of Southeast BC

Cranbrook Food Bank

The Salvation Army